Monday, January 10, 2011

Youth in Rome

The youth in Italy are very different in Rome when compared to those in the states, as is the classification of who is considered to be a part of the youth group.  In the states, youth generally refers to those that are under the age of 18 or 21, what i have observed while I have been in Rome is that the youth isn't limited by age like in the states but by the way that you act and the people that you associate yourself with.  I have seen people from a much broader group of ages while i have been here that i would consider to be youths, ranging from 14 all the way through their 30's.  In the states we put all of these restriction on the youth like drinking age and being able to buy tobacco products that once you reach you are really no longer considered to be young; while Italy is quite the opposite this.  In America people generally move out of their parents house when they turn 18 and want to be independent and live on their own, while many Italians will live with their parents much later.  These are just some of the differences that i have noticed between the youths in Italy and the US.

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